
Fiat Cinquecento launch party

A couple of years ago, Fiat Portugal caused sensation with it's 600-model launch party. Right in the middle of fancy Bairro Alto, the Saturday night party was a splash - with thousands of persons in it and getting plenty of media attention.

This year they tried to make it for a second time. The purpose? The launch the new Cinquecento model on a big way! For that, Fiat rented the Campo Pequeno bullfight arena, setting up a major party in it, with all the requirements for such - a big venue, well-trained security teams, big logistics, good decoration and FX animation, a batallion of nice and well-informed hostesses. They also did tactical advertising around it, and sent invitations to a number of influential opinion makers. Everything was prepared for a great evening but...

The party was a real blunder! Everything was nicely organised... for the 50 persons that attended! And when you have a big venue, prepared to hole down a couple thousand persons, 50 attendants only show how blundered that went. The problem (and a great lesson) was simple. In Bairro Alto's party, the persons were already there (Bairro Alto usually houses at least 1000 persons on a regular Saturday evening), it was a matter of putting the party and animation in it. This time, the challenge was completely different - Fiat had to get the people to attend the party. And that is not an easy task...

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